address (not adr-)
adieu (singular) adieus or adieux (plural)
adrenaline Both spellings are correct.
adress Wrong spelling. See ADDRESS.
advantageous advantage + ous
Keep the -e in this instance.
adverse or
averse? These two words have different meanings.
The ferries were cancelled owing to
ADVERSE weather conditions.
(= unfavourable)
She is not AVERSE to publicity.
(= opposed)
advertisement advertise + ment
advice or
advise? My ADVICE is to forget all about it.
(noun = recommendation)
What would you ADVISE me to do?
(verb = recommend)
adviser or
advisor? Adviser is the traditionally correct British
spelling. Advisor is more common in
American English.
advisory (not -ery)
aerial Use the same spelling for the noun (a
television AERIAL) and the adjective (an
AERIAL photograph).
affect or
effect? Use these exemplar sentences as a guide:
Heavy drinking will AFFECT your liver.
The EFFECT on her health was
immediate. (noun)
The new manager plans to EFFECT
sweeping changes. (verb = to bring about)
afraid (not affraid)
ageing or
aging? Both spellings are correct but many would
prefer ageing as it keeps the identity of
the base word (age) more easily
aggravate Strictly speaking, aggravate means to make
His rudeness AGGRAVATED an already
explosive situation.
It is, however, widely used in the sense of
to irritate or to annoy. Be aware that
some authorities would regard this second
usage as incorrect.
aggressive (not agr-)
agree to/
agree with The choice of preposition alters the
meaning of the verb:
IAGREEDTO do what he advised.
IAGREEDTO all the conditions.
IAGREEDWITH all they said.
agreeable (not agreable)
agreement For grammatical agreement, see SINGULAR
agressive Wrong spelling. See AGGRESSIVE.
alga (singular) algae (plural)
allege (not -dge)
alley or ally? An ALLEY is a little lane.
An ALLY is a friend.
alley (singular), alleys (plural)
ally (singular), allies (plural)
See PLURALS (iii).
all most or
almost? There is a difference in meaning. Use
these exemplar sentences as a guide:
They were ALL (= everyone) MOST kind.
The child was ALMOST (=nearly) asleep.
allowed or
aloud? There is a difference in meaning. Use
these exemplar sentences as a guide:
Are we ALLOWED (= permitted) to
smoke in here?
I was just thinking ALOUD (= out loud).
all ready or
already? There is a difference in meaning. Use
these exemplar sentences as a guide:
We are ALL (= everyone) READY.
It is ALL (= everything) READY.
She was ALREADY dead (= by then).
all right or
alright? Traditional usage would consider ALL
RIGHT to be correct and ALRIGHT to be
incorrect. However, the use of ‘alright’ is so
widespread that some would see it as
acceptable although the majority of educated
users would take care to avoid it.
all so or
also? There is a difference in meaning. Use
these exemplar sentences as a guide:
You are ALL (= everyone) SO kind.
You are ALSO (= in addition) generous.
all together or There is a difference in meaning. Use
altogether? these exemplar sentences as a guide:
They were ALL (= everybody) huddled
TOGETHER for warmth.
His situation is ALTOGETHER (= totally)
different from yours.
allude or
elude? There is a difference in meaning.
ALLUDE means to refer to indirectly.
ELUDE means to evade capture or recall.
لم افهم شئ نحن مبتدأوون ياريت توضيح
أتنى لك التوفيق في هذا المشروع . و حبذا لو نسقته بشكل أوضح للمتصفح.
Thank You and have a good day!!
Thank you very much for your replies.
Dear Ahmed Omar,
I hope to tell me exactly what you suppose to do.
"Anonymous said...
لم افهم شئ نحن مبتدأوون ياريت توضيح"
This topic is about the most common mistakes in English which speakers or writers commit. They are in alphabetical order.
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